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January 16

The Belleville News-Democrat published an article titled “O’Fallon Martin Luther King speakers challenge all to ‘bring light to the darkness’ Nearly 200 attendees converged at O'Fallon's New Life Monday, Jan. 16 for the annual MLK Breakfast event where religious, civil and government dignitaries celebrated the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Speakers included St. Clair County Board Chairman Mark Kern, O'Fallon Mayor Gary Graham and Bishop Geoffrey Dudley of New Life in Christ Church

January 17

The Belleville News-Democrat published an article titled, “ O'Fallon community remembers life, work of Martin Luther King, Jr.


January 17

The Belleville News-Democrat published an article titled, “Local Martin Luther King Jr. Day Events.” It stated that NLICIC held it 7th Annual Metro-East Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Breakfast Celebration. Quest Speaker, Shane Bishop, Senior Pastor of Christ Church in Fairview Heights.

January 18

The Belleville News-Democrat published an article titled “Trust, love, diversity focus of O’Fallon MLK event”

February 26

The Belleville News-Democrat published an article titled, “O’Fallon Church Hold Job Fair Saturday.” The article stated that NLICIC is sponsoring its first annual Community Job Fair from 9:00 a.m. to Noon on Saturday.

May 4

The St Louis American published an article, “New Life in Christ establishes memorial scholarship” about the establishment of the Chyriell Drain-Hill Memorial Scholarship. christ-establishes-memorial-scholarship/article_ed049760-123f- 11e6-8f22-4b468754c0e7.html

July 11

The Belleville News-Democrat published an article titled “Community comes together to pray for peace in wake of shootings” progress/article89415897.html Bishop Geoffrey V. Dudley Sr., minister at New Life in Christ Church at 689 Scott Troy Road in O’Fallon, who hosted a prayer vigil featuring metro-east faith leaders and NAACP officials to pray for peace in the wake of those incidents. Attendees of the vigil nearly filled the church.

Praying for peace in light of violence against citizens, police violence-against-citizens-police/

July 15

The O’Fallon Weekly published an article titled, “New Life in Christ holds annual Sunday in the Park event” New Life In Christ Interdenominational Church held their twelfth annual Sunday in the Park event last weekend at O’Fallon Community Park. Over the course of the day, more than 1,000 of NLICIC’s 2,500 worshipers were expected to partake in the event. “I absolutely feel like this is where I was meant to be, that this area, these people, are my calling,” said Dudley, Sr

September 9

The Belleville News-Democrat published an article titled “Coming to a theater near you — Sunday morning worship

October 16

KSDK gathers-to-pray-for-peace/270157548 O'FALLON, ILL. - The NAACP is calling on people to pray following the shootings in Minneapolis, Baton Rouge, Dallas and Ballwin, and for the second straight night Monday they hosted a prayer vigil – this time in the Metro East

KSDK prayer-vigil-planned-tonight/269880384 Community-wide prayer vigil planned tonight

October 24

The Edwardsville intelligencer published an article Congregation meeting at local movie theater. The article stated There is a new church in Edwardsville meeting in an unconventional place. The church, New Life North, is an expansion of the New Life in Christ Interdenominational Church in O’Fallon. It is meeting, for now, in the Edwardsville AMC Theater.

October 29

The Belleville News-Democrat published an article titled “Metro- east church once again moves forward with expansion project progress/article112245487.html. A church community will come together Sunday to re-break ground on a $5.4 million building expansion project at New Life

November 18

Fox 2 News, Bishop talks coping with post election stress. People are still trying to get over the shock of the presidential election a couple of weeks ago. election-stress/

December 17

KMOX CBS Radio published an article titled “Stranded Motorists Find Comfort at Metro-East Church.”

December 21

The O’Fallon Weekly published an article titled “Local church opens its doors to stranded motorists” During the recent ice storm, an O’Fallon church stepped up to shelter stranded motorists. New Life In Christ Interdenominational Church opened their doors and offered not only sanctuary, but meals, a place to sleep, and entertainment for children.

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January 22

The O’Fallon Progress published an article titled, “MLK Breakfast Draws Large Crowd.” The article stated that over 300 people attend NLICIC’s Sixth Annual MLK Breakfast. Quest Speaker, U.S. Rep. Mike Bost, R-Murphysboro.

June 12

Bishop Dudley, Sr., appeared on Channel 5’s News addressing the shooting of nine Christians at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in Charleston, North Carolina.

June 17

The Belleville News Democrat published an article titled, “Nine Students take Home Thousands in Scholars Winnings.” Seven area students were to be recognized at NLICIC with scholarship totaling $21,000.00.

June 21

The Belleville News Democrat published an article titled, Sunday service to remember SC shooting victims

June 22

The Belleville News Democrat published an article titled, “O’Fallon Church Prays for Charleston Shooting Victims.” The article stated that the congregation of NLICIC prayed for the nine victims of Charleston’s church shooting. Bishop Dudley, Sr., stated, “No matter who’s doing the hating; GOD’s doing the loving.”

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch published an article titled, “Love Will Win.” The article featured Bishop Dudley’s, topic “Evil Will Not Win, Love Will Win; Love Will Win.” The topic addressed the shooting of the nine victims of Missionary Baptist Church.

June 25

The O’Fallon Progress published an article titled, “O’Fallon Church Prays for Victims.” The article stated that the congregation of NLICIC prayed for the nine victims of Charleston’s church shooting.

July 6

NLICIC’s Ministry Pamela Dorsey was featured in the O’Fallon Progress. The title, “O’Fallon Resident Dorsey Offers Healing Touch.” The article stated that her mission in life focuses heavily on assisting those in great need.

September 17-23

The East St. Louis Monitor published an article titled, “NAACP East St. Louis Branch Celebrates its 61st Annual Freedom Fund Awards Banquet.” The article announced that Bishop G. V. Dudley Sr., was among this year’s Game Changer Honorees who addressed the major areas of inequality facing African Americans through Economic Stability, Education, Health, Voting Rights & Political Representation


January 18

The Belleville News-Democrat published an article titled, “Christ Church Celebrates MLK’s Birthday.” The article stated that Bishop Dudley, Sr., will be the Keynote Speaker. Text taken from “Galatians 4:7” (NIV).

June 18

The Belleville News-Democrat published an article titled, “O’Fallon Church Awards $21,000 in Scholarships.” The article stated that NLICIC presented scholarship totaling $21,000 to seven high school graduates—more that $168,000 in scholarships over the past nine years.

July 3

The St Louis American published an article titled, “New Life awards $21K in scholarships” concerning our scholarship program. awards-k-in-scholarships/article_1fb4bf24-0229-11e4-96e8- 001a4bcf887a.html

October 23

Bishop Dudley appeared on the Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly Show. The title was: “Trying to By Time Over the Racial Crime in Michael Brown’s Shooting.”

November 4

The Belleville News-Democrat published an article titled, “Ferguson Shooting to be Discussed.” The article announced that NLICIC in O’Fallon will host a session title, “Ferguson: A Metro-East Conversation” on Wednesday, November 5 at 7:00 p.m. The event was sponsored by the Justice Department and the local chapter of the NAACP.

November 6

The Belleville News-Democrat published an article titled, “Ferguson Conversation Lets Residents Vent.” The article announced that NLICIC drew several hundred people who asked questions and listened to some area police chiefs, ministers and youth at NLICIC’s session regarding the Michael Brown Shooting in Ferguson.

November 24

Bishop Dudley reappeared 30 minutes before the Grand Jury Announcement in the Michael Brown Shooting on the Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly Show.


June 12

The Belleville News-Democrat published an article titled, “O’Fallon Church Awards $21,000 in Scholarships.” The article announced that NLICIC presented Scholarships totaling $21,000 to seven high school graduates. NLICIC has awarded more than $47,000 to graduating seniors over the past 8 years.

July 18

The O’Fallon Progress News published an article titled, “Church Expands to Africa.” The article stated that Bishop Dudley, Sr., has expanded his reach abroad to train civic and religious leaders as well as helping strengthen the two NLC’s churches that have been established in West Africa.

October 26

The Belleville News-Democrat published an article titled, “A Higher Tech—NLC uses online tools to reach even more souls.” The article stated that Bishop Dudley, Sr., credits progressive thinking and new technology for the rapid growth of NLC-emails, texts, robocalls, FACEbook, Twitter, and blogs to communicate.


April 2

Fox News O’Fallon, IL Church Remembers Trayvon Martin On Palm Sunday remembers-trayvon-martin-on-palm-sunday/

April 5

The O’Fallon Progress News published an article titled, “Live Internet Broadcast of Easter Services at New Life in Christ” The article announced that NLICIC will begin broadcasting by internet channel, Virtual New Life Church (VNLC).

The O’Fallon Progress News also published an article titled, “O’Fallon Church Demands Legal Action in Trayvon Martin Case.” It stated that members of NLC show support by collecting Skittle and hoodies at their services.

June 9

The Belleville News-Democrat published an article titled, “New Life In Christ to Award Seven Scholarships.” The article announced that a total of $20,000 will be shared by 7 high school graduates at its “Education Sunday Worship Service” at 11:00 a.m. Susan Taylor, Editor & Chief Emeritus of Essence Magazine and founder of the National Cares Mentoring Movement program was the Guest Speaker.

August 8

Bishop Dudley appeared (the 1st in NLC’s History) on the TCT Television Network at 1:00 p.m. (Central) on the show titled, “Asked the Pastors.” A television show designed with a panel of Pastors; where people of all faith could e-mail or call-in their biblical questions to get answers.

September 1

The Belleville News-Democrat feathered an article titled, “New Life In Christ plans Family Fix.” The article announced that Bishop Dudley will perform two free wedding ceremony in part of NLICIC’s two day “Family Fix” weekend event. Twenty-seven area vendors donated more than $17,000 in goods. This will become an annual event in NLICIC.

November 21

The St Louis American covered a story that featured Bishop Dudley and his prayer for the effort of the for-profit and not-for- profit companies celebrated at the 13th Annual Salute to Excellence in Business Awards & Networking Luncheon held Thursday, November 15 at The Ritz-Carlton, St. Louis.

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June 9

The St Louis American featured New Life in Christ Church and our partnership with United Way in the successful completion of the work with the Class of 2011 with Project 2011 in an article titled, “Church program spurs ESL students to graduate”. and-united-way-partner-in-project/image_eb773ea8-9232-11e0- bfdf-001cc4c03286.html


January 28

The O’Fallon Progress News published an article titled, “New Life in Christ Church says Yes to Healthy Lifestyles.” The article featured Bishop Dudley’s 2010 Theme, “2010: Whole & Not Broken,” where Life Changers kickoff a year long Battle of the Bulge: exercise, lose weight, eat healthy, healthy finances and anything else unbalanced in order. In partnership with State Farm & the 50 million Pound Challenge.

June 10

The St Louis American featured Bishop Dudley as a panelist when Michael Baisden came out to Harris-Stowe State University for the One Million Mentors National Campaign to Save Our Kids. The article titled, “Baisden challenges men to mentor”. challenges-men-to-mentor/article_245b38d5-4cb7-596f-bcda- c97c2af5ddc7.html

June 18

The Belleville News-Democrat published an article titled, “Calling All Fathers: This Breakfast Is For You.” The article featured comments from Bishop Dudley challenging all men to step forward and meet their responsibilities as Fathers. Former NFL’s great, Aeneas William was the Guest Speaker at the NLC’s Men Breakfast.

November 10

The St Louis American featured New Life in Christ Church and our work with mentoring with Project 2011 in an article titled, “Mentoring in the Metro East”. The article was a direct interview with Susan Taylor who lifted up Bishop Dudley and New Life as champions of change. metro-east/article_935afc9c-c1d9-5a1f-afa3-690a13fa70d2.html

December 30

KMOX CBS Radio aired this hour long conversation with Bishop Dudley entitled "KMOX Profiles."


February 3

The Belleville News-Demoncrat published an article titled, “Traffic Nears Area Church to be Curbed.” The article announced that the O’Fallon’s City Council approved a $175,000.00 Deal in favor of NLICIC to improve Hilltop Drive; so traffic could move in and out more freely at NLICIC’s location: 689 Scott-Troy Road.

February 5

The O’Fallon Progress News published an article titled, “Citizenship Award Winners Announced.” The article announced that Bishop-elected G. Vincient Dudley of NLICIC will be honored on February 28, 2009, for his efforts in building & growing a Mega Church from its uproots in 2001 to a booming congregation of today.

February 12

The O’Fallon Progress News published an article titled, “Traffic Nears Megachurch to be Curbed.” The article announced that the O’Fallon’s Planning Commission approved a $175,000.00 Deal in favor of NLICIC to improve Hilltop Drive; so traffic could move in and out more freely at NLICIC’s location: 689 Scott-Troy Road. The votes were 10 to 4 in favor of improving Hilltop Drive

February 26

The O’Fallon Progress News published an article titled, “Award Winner-Clergy.” Its sub-title read, “Dudley’s Congregation Find New Life in Christ.” The article announced that Bishop- elected G. Vincient Dudley of NLICIC will be honored on February 28, 2009, for his efforts in building & growing a Mega Church from its uproots in 2001 to a booming congregation of today.

February 28

The Belleville News-Democrat published an article titled, “O’Fallon Prepares to Award its Top Citizens.” The article announced that Bishop-elected G. Vincient Dudley of NLICIC will be honored on February 28, 2009, for his efforts in building & growing a Mega Church from its uproots in 2001 to a booming congregation of today.

June 20

The Belleville News-Democrat published an article titled, “Homecoming Leaders Irked by O’Fallon.”—“Church Allowed to Use Park for a Lower Fee.” The O’Fallon Homecoming Association is upset about the low fees that the City of O’Fallon charged NLICI for the use of the park for two days—July 11 & 12.

October 3

The Belleville News-Democrat published an article titled, “New Bishop Will Be Consecrated in O’Fallon.” The article stated that Bishop-elect Dudley, Sr., will be consecrated and ordained on October 10, 2009. It also stated that he will be ordained by the Kingdom Council of Independent Christian Churches & Ministries (a national & inter-national fellowship of churches).

October 8

The O’Fallon Progress published an article titled, “Pastor to be Ordained as Bishop.” The article announced that Bishop-elect G.V. Dudley, Sr., will be consecrated and ordained as Bishop of NLICIC and Changing Lives Ministries on October 10, 2009.

November 19

The O’Fallon Progress News published an article titled, “New Life Sues Contractor for Leaking Roof.” The article stated that NLC has filed a lawsuit against Alton-based SunCon Incorporation for allegedly constructing a leaking roof.

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March 23

The Belleville News Democrat published an article titled, “Alleluia! Choirs Lead the Way.” The article featured NLICIC’ four choirs: the Single of Standards; the Men of Valor’s male choir; teens; and children of NLICIC. Its sub-titled, “Heavenly Harmony” is where choir members come together to share their joys and troubles through songs.

July 23

The Belleville News Democrat published an article titled, “Neighbors are Concerned about O’Fallon Expansion (Church Plans Addition and New Building)”.  The article featured NLICIC’s plans to add an 8,500 square-foot Youth Center (Charles Rayford Family Development Center) which the neighbors are concerned about increase in the already enormous traffic and parking.

July 24

The O’Fallon Progress published an article titled, “Church’s Expansion Draws Concerns.” The articles stated that the O’Fallon Planning Commission supports NLCICI’s plans. However, the neighbors believe the expansion will cause traffic headaches.

July 31

The O’Fallon Progress News published an article titled, “New Life In Christ Expansion Set to Go Before O’Fallon’s City Council.” On Monday, July 30, at 6:30 p.m., the city’s Community Development Committee unanimously approved the church plans to add an 8,500 square-foot youth center and double the size of its sanctuary. However, the city council members are concerned with who should pay the costs to improve Hilltop Drive.

August 5

On this date, the Belleville News Democrat published an article titled, “Church Plans Get First Reading.” The article stated that one Monday, August 4, 6:00 p.m., O’Fallon’s city council members approved the first two readings for the expansion of NLCIC. The article also stated that council members were concerned with the improvements of a nearby road which may stall final approval of the proposed presented by NLICIC.

August 7

The O’Fallon Progress News published, “O’Fallon OKs First Step for Church Expansion.” The article stated that it was standing-room only at the city council meeting on Monday, August 4 as council members debated who would bare the cost to improve a narrow road just South of the church. The article also stated the church’s congregation has grown from 800 members in 2003 to about 2,200 current members.

August 21

The O’Fallon Progress News published, “Expansion Approved for New Life.” It also stated that the “O’Fallon Mayor to Negotiate Possible Funds for Road Improvements.” NLICIC received a standing ovation on Monday, August 18, from more than 200 people who crowed the council chambers. The council approved the proposal in a 9-1 vote, but removed an amendment to the ordinance providing funding to expand Hilltop Road.

The council agreed to allow the Mayor of O’Fallon to negotiate with the church and return with an appropriations bill for consideration. A 10-3 vote for an ordinance to require NLICIC additional property easement in case the Western portion of Hilltop Road need to be widened in the future.

September 28

The St Louis American featured Bishop Dudley and the Unity Service in an article titled, “Bishop-Elect Geoffrey Vincient Dudley Sr. preaches community involvement”. geoffrey-vincient-dudley-sr-preaches-community-involvement/article_695a3531-f263-5298-9fd5-1f52e081f04e.html


September 9

The Belleville News Democrat published an article titled, “ESL Churches Hope, Prayer, Fasting Will Heal the City.” The article featured Pastor Dudley and several churches throughout the Metro East calling for “A Spiritual Breakthrough for ESL.” The event was also covered by CW-11 News on this same date.

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February 9

The O’Fallon Progress published an article titled, “This Black/White Thing.” The article featured Pastor Dudley comments on “Diversity” within O’Fallon and the surrounding communities. The article also includes his plans of establishing a second NAACP chapter in O’Fallon, Illinois.

March 16

The St Louis American featured New Life in Christ Church and our Pastor Dudley in an article titled, “Unity in the community” highlighting our Metro East Unity Service that Pastor Dudley and 4 other pastors came together to pursue annually. geoffrey-vincient-dudley-sr-preaches-community- involvement/article_695a3531-f263-5298-9fd5-1f52e081f04e.html

April 29

The Belleville News Democrat published an article titled, “Partnership of Power.” The article featured Pastor Dudley, several ministers, and school administrators throughout the Metro East who gathered at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows Near Belleville, Illinois. The forum focused on ways to build better communities by reaching out to the East St. Louis District 189 students.

November 5

The Belleville News Democrat published an article titled, “Mentoring Metro-East Youngsters-Elementary School Enters Partnership with Church.” The article featured Brother Charlie Hampton, Group Leader for the Sons of Valor at NLC leading a discussion with kids at Estelle Kampmeyer Elementary School to link mentors at NLC.


June 16

The O’Fallon Progress published an article titled, “Church to begin new life with dedication of a new sanctuary.” The members of New Life in Christ Interdenominational Church will march into their new $4.3 million church on Sunday, June 19.

June 21

June 30

The St Louis American featured New Life in Christ Church and the completion of our church when we moved in at 689 Scott Troy in an article titled, “New house for New Life In Christ”. house-for-new-life-in-christ/article_7437d8f8-105a-5c1d-98b9- 117059b4dd23.html

September 10

The Belleville’s Sunday News-Democrat published an article titled, “Ministry on the Move.” Two years ago Pastor G Vincient Dudley began holding worship services in the ballroom of the Four Points Sheraton Hotel with only 20 people attending. On June 19, 2005, Father’s Day, Pastor Dudley held his first worship service in his new $4 million church. New Life Interdenominational church with a shopping 1,700 –plus in attendance

November 11

The Belleville’s Sunday News-Democrat published an article titled, “Mega Churches.” The Article featured NLC as one of the mega churches popping up across the Metro-East. The article also featured Pastor Dudley and the numerous services being offer to its Life Changers and the surrounding communities.


April 15


April 19

The Belleville News Democrat published an article titled, “Room for all Gods people”Retired Colonel wants new church to be interracial and interdenominational

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