Get in touch

Forms You Can Use

90 Day Tithing Challenge Agreement
Use this form to sign up for the 90 Day Tithing Challenge at New Life in Christ.

AV and Media Ministry Support Request

Use this form to request audio visual and media support for church events.

Adult Baptismal Form
se this form for all adults newly Accepted Christ or others wanting to be baptized


Adult LifeChanger Data Form 
Use this form to detail the info we have for you in our records.  We thank God for you!

AWANA Registration Form
Use this form to register your child for AWANA this year

Baby Dedication Form
Use this form to let us know you want your baby dedicated at New Life.

Business Owner Sponsorship Form
Use this form to be a New Life Business Owner Sponsor

Care Gram 
Use this form to alert Pastoral Care needs of LifeChangers by LifeChangers. If completing for yourself, please indicate if you have attended New LifeChangers Class.

Children Baptismal Form 1st Grade-6th Grade 
Use this form for all children (1st Grade-6th Grade) n
ewly Accepted Christ. NOTE: There is a separate Teen Form for Jr High/High School Age

Children's 1st Time Guest Form 
Use this form for first time guests.

College Connect Form
Use of this form is to collect data from parents and/or students themselves about college contact info for care packages, encouragement texts and prayers. 

Life Group Member Feedback
Please complete this survey at the end of each session.

Decision Form 
Use this form to detail the decision you made today! We thank God for you!

Deployment Connect Form 
Use of this form is to collect data from our military families who have a loved one deployed. It is for care packages, encouragement, and prayers. 

Event Communications Request 
Every event on the calendar starts here. Please detail your ECRs for the year in these individual forms.

Event LCP Feedback Form 
Use this form to report on our event and include feedback for next year.

Facility Rental (MPR) 
This form is used in the rental of the facility particularly the MPR for events, sporting practices, etc.

Graduate Info Form

Use this form to collect information on the graduates for the current year.

Guest Or LifeChanger Data Update 
Thanks for taking the time to update our records. Make sure if any INCORRECT info populates below that you correct it. 

Guest Welcome Form
Thanks for worshipping with us! Use this form to give us your thoughts and feedback. 

House Blessing Request 
Please Fill out the requested information if you have purchased a home and would like your home BLESSED by a Pastor, Elder, or Minister. Once information is received someone on staff will reach out to you to coordinate the House Blessing being scheduled. 

HR - Employee of the Quarter 
This form is
used to collect information for your nomination for Employee of the Quarter.

HR -NLC/NLE Employment Application 
New Life in Christ Church or New Life Enterprises Employment App

IGNITE 26-35 Survey

iServe Interest Form
If you are interested in serving in any ministry please start the process by completing this form. We will get right back with you!!!

Leadership Team Accountability 
Use t
his form to report connections/interactions and discipleship happening between leadership team and other men, women, couples and singles. 

Leadership Team Report 
Use this form to report on the monthly activities, growth, impact and ministry updates. This form should be completed every month by the 15th. This will be used to compile the VB Report and other staff reporting.

LifeChanger of the Month Data Form 
Congrats! We want to celebrate you! Answer the questions below

LifeGroup Absentee Report 
Use this form to report absentee results from follow-up phone calls. Use this report AFTER you have reached out to the person who was absent.

LifeGroup Facilitator Feedback
Please complete this survey at the end of each session.

LifeGroup Leader Application 
Complete this as first step to becoming a LifeGroup facilitator, assistant facilitator or Coach.

LifeGroup Member Feedback 
lease complete this survey at the end of each session.

NLC Incident Report

Please complete this form to report details of any accidents or incidents on church grounds. For volunteer use only.

Prayer Request
Use this form to send First Lady and Bishop your specific prayer request.

Prepare Enrich Certification Training 
Use this form to secure your materials. 

Spiritual Gifts. Heart. Abilities. Personality. Experience Personal Profile & LCP Application

We would love to send you more info on any of these areas of ministry!

Teen Baptismal Form 7th Grade -12th Grade 
Use this form for any Teen who newly Accepted Christ. (Jr High or High School)

Virtual New Life Signup

Use this form to signup to volunteer for online ministry streaming


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